How the App Works
Finding a great Audiobook in BookBeat
- How do I find audiobooks?
- How do I search for audiobooks?
- How do I find audiobooks from a specific genre?
- How do I know if an audiobook is part of a series?
- Can I follow authors, narrators or series?
- How do I find books in different languages?
Managing Audiobooks
- Where do I find the PDF booklet to an audio book?
- How do I save an audiobook that I want to read later?
- How do I remove an audiobook I have saved to My Saved Books?
- How do I download audiobooks to listen to when I’m offline?
- How many books can I download to offline mode?
- How do I remove downloaded audiobook files to free up memory space on my device?
Listening to a book
Read a book
App functions
Does BookBeat support...?
Listening on the Apple Watch
- Which books are shown in the Apple Watch app?
- Can I change the playback speed on my Apple Watch?
- Can I switch profiles on the Apple Watch?
- Can I listen on my Apple Watch without having my phone with me?
- How do I download a book to my Apple Watch?
- Why is my download not starting on the Apple Watch?