Can I follow authors, narrators or series?

Yes you can! If you want to be informed when your favourite author or narrator has a new book or when a book is added to your favourite series then you can follow them. To do so, you simply tap "Follow" up top on the contributor or series page.

You will now get a notification on your phone if a relevant book is added to BookBeat. You can always find all the contributors and series you are following under "Home". Here you see the header "Following" where you can see all your favourties. From this list, you can also go directly to the different pages to see all the books available.

If you want to stop following something, you go to that contributor or series page and tap "Following". The button will now change back to "Follow" and you can choose to follow again at any time.

To receive these updates, you will have to allow notifications from BookBeat. You can do this under "Profile". Read more about notifications here.