Do you want to listen to or read books in a different languages or are you wondering which languages BookBeat has to offer? This is how you find out:
Click on "Profile" in the bottom right corner of the app and open the header "Book Filter" under "Settings". Here you can (among other options) see which languages BookBeat offers books in. Choose the languages that you want to be able to access in your app and then close the book filter view. Books in all of your chosen languages will now be visible in categories and search results.
You cannot deselect your default language in the Book Filter but you can always filter your search results and categories for languages. To do that use the Filter once you have searched for something or press "All Books" in a given category to get access to the filter option. The "All Books" list is all the way at the bottom in each category, so make sure to scroll all the way down to find it. This makes it possible to filter out languages you are not interested in at the moment.
We also have some specific language categories that only show books in a certain language. You can find these at the bottom of the category list and they have several subcategories that you can browse through.