You can cancel your subscription at any time. Visit our website and log in to your account. You will find the button "Cancel subscription" at the bottom of the "Subscription" section under "My Account".
You can also log in to your account page from the app. Click on "Account information" under "Profile" to do that. Go to "My account" on your account page and choose "Cancel subscription" at the bottom of the "Subscription" section.
If you would like to restart your subscription, you log into your account as listed above, click on “Choose subscription” and follow the steps to activate your subscription to start listening again. Your account will be charged upon reactivation.
If you cancel your account during your free trial, you will lose access to BookBeat as soon as the account has been cancelled and you will not be able to continue listening or reading in the app. If you have cancelled a paid subscription, you can continue using BookBeat until the paid period has expired.