If you listen to a book, we count the hours that the book has been played in normal playback speed. It doesn't make a difference if you choose a faster or slower playback speed or whether you stream or listen offline.
If you read an e-book the number of characters and pictures is converted to time and that time is drawn from your hours. It doesn't make a difference how long you linger on a specific page or how fast or slow you read. If you quickly turn pages or jump between chapters, we will not start counting the time for those pages until you stop and start reading.
If you listen to or read the same part of a book several times under the same payment period, this part will only be counted once for that period.
If you have used up your hours, you cannot listen and read anymore, not even to books you have listened to or read before during the same period. If you want to keep reading before the next period begins, you will have to upgrade if you have Basic or Standard or buy extra hours if you have Premium.