How do I create a BookBeat account?

To read and listen with BookBeat, you need to create an account and register for a free trial. You do this by clicking on "Sign up" in the upper right corner of our website.

There you will go through the following steps:

1. Type in your name and e-mail address and choose a password. Then click "Continue".

2. Choose your payment method and complete the verification process.

3. Read and agree to our Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice and choose whether you want to receive promotional e-mails from us.

4. You should now get back to the "Welcome to BookBeat" page.

5. Download our app and log in. You should find a welcome e-mail in your mailbox.

If you don't get back to the Welcome-page or if you cannot log in, then please contact us via e-mail. You'll find the e-mail address under "Contact us" at the bottom of our website.